Cryptoforest Text Base

dinsdag 8 mei 2012

Eating Grass, Crunching Code [Review]

Eating Grass, Crunching Code (6 may 2012, Sloterdijk Amsterdam) was the second instalment of the annual forage psychogeography drift hosted by Theun and Cocky of Boskoi and Desiree Paardepoot of Cryptoforestry. Like last year we executed a .walk program inspired by the famous forage game Pacman (himself inspired by a the shape of a pizza minus a slice) in search of edible plants in unexpected places. We had three recognized experts with us and we asked them to be the centre of a group. I happened to follow Claude Biemans who shared her prodigious knowledge on wild urban plants with us crude & insensitive simpletons. I was ready to learn and I have added a considerable number of species to the plants that I can recognize and name. Claude mailed us this list that showed that we spotted 86 species. Not bad. We didn't walk very far, 500 meters? Here are eight pictures:

This is what Sloterdijk looks like when you exit the main entrance of the train station, There is highrises to the left and more of this to the right. It doesn't look very inviting or promising but walk 300 meters into either direction and the world of weeds awaits you.  

The pacman ghost.walk code after execution
Walking along the rail track took us from one discovery to the next.
Comphrey, right next on the road on the first picture.
Down we went.
Rabbit holes in the slope of the hill of the previous picture, 10 meters away from the Comfrey
According to Claude this is a rabbit-grazed field, creating room and opportunity for all sorts of little herbs: what? a rabbit created landscape?!
After 90 minutes: comparing finds. Like last year I could have gone on for another six hours.   

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